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Herbs for Sunburns

In a country like Greece, sun exposure is inevitable. You do not need systematic sunbathing to cause sunburn, irritation, photosensitivity and freckles in the long run. But there are herbs that help protect the skin from dangerous radiation and skin tissue aging.

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Our food as medicine!

Let food become your medicine and your medicine become your food – Hippocrates

When Hippocrates, the father of Medicine, said this phrase about 2,400 years ago, it was considered something simple and perfectly understandable for the simple way of life and diet of his fellow human beings. Today, after 2 millennia and the tremendous differences in lifestyle,
way of thinking and diet, it sounds complex and demanding.

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The best anti-aging herbs!

Anti-aging, or rather delaying aging, is something everyone wants. What we often overlook, of course, is that preventing aging, or even reversing some phenomena, does not start with a superficial approach. It is a matter of philosophy of life, diet, exercise. Of course herbs and spices contribute significantly in a variety of ways that we will mention below!

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Herbal teas – the multiple benefits!

Herbs and spices are an excellent raw material for tasty drinks, teas or tisanes, especially when you’re not a fan of water. Herbal tea has been consumed by all peoples for thousands of years, and it was one of the first medicines used by man. In fact, it is also the mildest way to consume herbs for therapeutic purposes.

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"Your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food."
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