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Therapeutic herbal oil recipes

αιθερια ελαια - essential oils

The natural skincare, is a privilege that everyone can have with a little goodwill! Herbs, either fresh or dried, offer a great variety of nutritional components to the skin, and depending on the herbs that you will choose, they will give you the cosmetic or therapeutic property that you need.

Just like alcohol, oil has the ability to absorb the nutrients of the herbs, while the cold exctraction, is an easy process for someone who has no experience. The consumption, of course if you use olive oil, should not be exclusively for cosmetic use, but also for cooking, giving rich aroma and taste.

The materials you need, are oil of your choice, sterilized jar, filter paper, foil and the herbs and spices you prefer. The method of cold extraction is equally easy: in 1 liter of oil add up to 80g. herb. Cover the jar with the filter paper and foil and secure with a rubber band or string.

For 21 days be sure to shake the oil daily and keep it in cool, dry environment.When the days pass, store the oil in a tinted glass bottle. These oils can be used directly on the skin, you can add essential oils and of course you can add the oils in natural cosmetics such salves and cold creams.

Tip: prefer to make small quantities of oil, respecting the proporsions.

If you want an oil that is easily absorbed through the skin, prefer almond oil, or sesame oil. Of course, the list of oils that can be used is huge, so we will refer exclusively in base oils, the characteristics and the properties in a following article.

Suggestions for oils:

Oil with rosemary and black pepper: Ideal for treating cellulite, causes congestion and tones the skin. If made with olive oil, it is ideal for grilled meats. Same properties has the oil with cinnamon and cloves, giving a heady aroma, and great taste in stewed meats.

Olive oil with sage and laurel: for limp hair, tendency for hair loss and lack of volume. Massaging the scalp significantly strengthens hair. For cooking, it is ideal for marinating.

Oil with mint leaves and orange peel or mandarin: rejuvenates both dull and lifeless skin and spirit! Great for green salads.

Oil with marjoram: ideal for skin tightening and treatment of stretch marks. In cooking marjoram has a similar effect with oregano.

Oil with lavender, chamomile and linden: the use in massage oils offers calm sleep, relaxation and treatment of melancholy.

There are many combinations of oils with excellent cosmetic results, and you can even extract from fruits, giving a thin oil but with a short lifetime. Attention! The herb you will add in the oil, should not protrude, as it will spoil the oil.

greek herbs, herbal oils, homemade cosmetics, massage oils, natural cosmetics, oils with herbs, olive oil

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