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A few words about jasmine

As we all know, jasmine is a very beautiful, evergreen climbing plant that adorns yards and house entrances. There are many varieties (about 300), which will thrive depending on the climate of each region, while its origin is from Central Asia.

Its height over the years can reach up to 10 meters, while its flowers are typically small, pink or white, with a strong delightful aroma that it offers during the flowering period, on summer evenings. It needs regular watering, rich sun but withstands low temperatures. It is a perennial plant, so if you decide to plant it in your garden, it will last over 10 years.

Jasmine gives its highly aromatic essential oil by distilling its flowers. And along with rose and neroli is one of the most expensive plant fragrances. For just a few drops of essential oil are required very large quantities of flowers, which are collected only at night.

Jasmine can be enjoyed either in the form of essential oil or in aromatic tea. When buying jasmine essential oil, be sure to get good quality to offer the healing and cosmetic properties that characterize it.

Jasmine essential oil goes well with citrus essential oils, rose, geranium, ylang ylang, ginger and palmarosa. It is widely used in aromatherapy.

Jasmine tea can be prepared in different ways to make it light or heavy, while it has a sweet taste and is very beneficial despite the fact that it is not considered an herbal tea. This is not a tea from jasmine flowers, but a base such as black tea, green tea, white tea, which is flavored with jasmine flowers.

Read more about the cosmetic uses of jasmine and the healing properties of jasmine!

herbs nutritional value, jasmine

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