Chamomile, how to collect

Chamomile is herbaceous and one-year herb, especially widespread in the Greek countryside, with a characteristic, intense aroma!
You will find it often in the last months of spring, but also during the summer, at the edge of the road, in meadows with low vegetation, even cultivated. The native chamomile, has always stronger healing properties than the cultivated.
The parts of the chamomile we collect are the flowers, which are then dried and stored for use either as a decoction or a tincture or even in healing baths. The essential oil of chamomile has the particularity of being blue because of the azulene it contains.
Chamomile oil is particularly widespread for its healing properties in skin disorders and as a mild sedative, but also for its cosmetic applications.
The collection period is only when it is in full bloom.
chamomile, chamomile collection, chamomile essential oil, greek herbs