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Lemon nutrition facts

This wonderful fruit that is famous for its healing properties could not be missing from the herb list with all the nutrients it offers. It is not an herb, but its healing and cosmetic value makes it important among the beneficial products of nature!

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Chives Nutrients & Cultivation

Chive is a perennial herb belonging to the same family as onion and garlic. Its resilience to drought and a wide variety of soil make chives a plant easy to cultivate, while it’s a herb that loves the sun.

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Mountain tea nutritional value

Mountain tea, is a perennial herb that thrives in mountainous regions of Greece and Europe. Its collection is preferred during the flowering period, mainly due to its high content of essential oil, which is in the middle of summer.

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Sea buckthorn nutritional value

Sea buckthorn is one of the herbs that has become widely known, and it’s been used since antiquity for its healing and powerful tonic properties. Historically, the sea buckthorn is found in the writings of Dioscorides, but its existence is over 5,000 years. The references to this herb are not limited to ancient Greece, but there are both in classical Tibetan and Chinese medicine.

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