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Linden ( Tillia) – cosmetic properties

Tilla skin and hair benefits

Linden is one of the most beneficial herbs, mainly for strengthening and providing healthy hair, from root to tip! The use of linden for rinsing hair after shampooing, or as an active ingredient in shampoos and hair mask, provides gloss and shine. At the same time, linden strengthens the hair and provides a protective film which prevents breakage and penetration of harmful rays from sun exposure.

By adding linden in creams and salves, it gives your cream, bleaching properties, ideal for treating freckles and dark spots from excessive sun exposure. It can be used preventively and with excellent results, while giving uniformity and consistency to the color of the face.

As for the skin, linden is one of the herbs that provide emollient properties, ideal for dry skin with indurations, while the calming action helps to treat skin irritations and inflammations such as acne. Salves with linden are also ideal for burns and minor injuries!

herb, herbs, linden, linden bleaching properties, linden for hair, linden for skin, linden in cosmetics, tillia, tillia in cosmetics

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