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Tag: chili

Spicy Herbs Part 2

Following the first part about spicy herbs, we continue, with the reference of the most common spices, and their contribution to the human body.

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The 10 best herbs in the world

As herbs are constantly gaining ground in therapies, investments in the production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic herbal preparations are increasing, as many people already find better treatment and prevention in herbal medicines. In any case, there are already many conventional medicines whose base is of plant origin.

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Herbs for headaches and migraines

Headache and migraine, is an issue for many adults, even children nowadays. The increased tension and stress in everyday life, poor quality of sleep and nutrition, excessive contact with electronic devices, such as mobile, create tension and pressure psychologically and physically, often defused by headache or migraine.

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error: Απαγορεύεται, η αναδημοσίευση, ολική ή μερική του περιεχομένου του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια του κατόχου του, βάση του Νόμου 2121/1993 και τους κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.