The exceptional properties of Bee Pollen
Unique superfood, bee pollen is a natural food supplement that bees offer us besides royal jelly and of course honey. The nutritional value of pollen is invaluable, let alone its healing properties.
Unique superfood, bee pollen is a natural food supplement that bees offer us besides royal jelly and of course honey. The nutritional value of pollen is invaluable, let alone its healing properties.
Thrumbi, a species of Savory is one of the herbs used since antiquity for its aromatic, cosmetic and especially therapeutic properties. It is a close relative of thyme, resulting in similar properties, some of which are stronger in thrumbi. Moreover, this herb is rare and difficult to cultivate with success.
Flower of wild nature, rich mythology behind the name, and usage history from antiquity, poppy is One more herb of Greek nature and not only, with important therapeutic and nutritional properties!
Mallow, as mentioned in the collection of the herb, contains abundant mucous substances, resulting in having emollient and soothing action. Either for internal use or for external use, mallow is ideal for gastritis, gastric ulcers, colic and stops vomiting.
"Your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food."