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Tag: moisturizing herbs

Oats for beautiful skin & hair!

The wonderful oats are nowadays one of the most favorite breakfasts and are a base for many healthy snacks! Although oats deserve a special article about their use in cooking, we will limit our information to the cosmetic use of oats that have been loved so much! In fact, if we consider how important nutrition is for maintaining healthy skin and hair, then oats certainly contribute nutritionally as well!

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Turmeric in cosmetics

Curcuma known as turmeric too, is one of the best herbs and spices, which have been popular since antiquity for their beneficial properties for the skin. Its cultivation, of course, and its use in antiquity, was located in the warm countries of the East, with India first, where people gave turmeric, divine qualities.

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Evening Primrose for beautiful skin

Evening primrose is a beautiful plant with very demanding cultivation and beautiful flowers that only bloom in the night after the second year of its life! The plant is native, while the wolves are worshiped. But what are the wonderful cosmetic qualities evening primrose imposes on her skin?

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