Apollo laurel, how to collect

Apollo laurel, also known as bay leaf, is rich in fatty acids, vitamin E and has as its main ingredient its rich essential oil.
It is an evergreen tree or shrub that can reach 15 meters in height and belongs to the Daphne family. In Greece, the laurel of Apollo is native. We find it very often in fences due to its dense foliage, which it maintains all year round. It is a tree that does not require special care and lives for many years, while depending on the pruning it can remain in the form of a bush or become a very beautiful tree.
Apollo laurel blooms in spring and its fruits are ripe in late autumn. The useful parts of the plant for cooking and its use as an ornamental and medicinal plant are the fruits and especially the leaves. We must emphasize that we always exclude from the harvesting the fruit which is toxic.
Read more about the healing properties of laurel and the cosmetic uses of laurel!
bay leaf, essential oil, herbs, herbs collection, herbs nutritional value, laurel