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Lavender – Lavandula Angustifolia

Lavender health benefits

Lavender belongs to the Greek herbs of the Mediterranean, known since antiquity. It is considered to be one of the 20 plants of the Greek land with the most therapeutic properties.

Lavender fights dyspepsia, especially after extensive antibiotic use, relieves headaches, reduces stress and overstress. It is particularly well-known for its tranquilizing properties, so it can be used in cases of insomnia, melancholy and mild depression. Ideal for dealing with nervous headaches, migraine, fatigue, anxiety and panic. It is thought that systemic intake, without abuse, of course, lowers pressure levels and reduces fast heart rate.

Lavender also relieves the irritated throat from colds, is suitable for healing wounds, cuts, abrasions and burns because of its strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing action. It is important to note that lavender essential oil can be used on the skin without side-effects, and acts directly on burns, both removing the pain and dealing directly with the trauma without leaving scars! It is used against cough, asthma and bronchitis as it relaxes the bronchi and relieves the irritated respiratory tract.

In massage oils, lavender relaxes the muscles and causes hyperaemia. Relieves nerve and rheumatic pains. It is anticonvulsive, analgesic, antiseptic and antifungal, ideal for bruising, psoriasis and scars. Other known uses of lavender are to combat obesity, fluid retention and period abnormalities.

Finally, lavender because of its intense smell, is considered very good and effective insect repellent.

There are no serious side effects of using lavender unless we are allergic.

Learn more about lavender cosmetic uses, lavender nutritional value and more ways to use lavender in everyday life!

asthma, burns, greek herbs, headache, healing herbs, herbal remedies, herbs for stress, lavender, lavender essencial oil, lavender healing properties, melancholy, scars

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