Celery collection

Celery is an aromatic plant, native to Europe and Asia. It is known for its use in cooking, giving its special aroma and taste to many foods. It is one of the perennial herbs, often biennial with very dense foliage and height up to 40 cm.
The leaves of celery are thin and pointed while the root is hard white and intensely aromatic. The collection of the leaves can be done all year round, while the seeds in the fall after flowering and after the second year of flowering. The root, which hides many of the powerful healing properties of celery, is also harvested in the fall and can be added to food for flavor, or even eaten plain after steaming or boiling. Celery blooms from June to September.
Among other things, celery contains many important elements for the body, such as minerals, flavonoids, high content of vitamins A and C, folic acid, trace elements, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and volatile oil.
The essential oil of celery is considered particularly strong and more active in relation to its healing properties. For this reason it should be used on the advice of a doctor.