Spearmint, collection and nutritional value

Spearmint is considered another type of mint, which is native to Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean countries. It is a perennial herb that grows and spreads very easily and quickly, has leaves with a bright green color and a lanceolate shape. It has white to lilac flowers that are very small and dense.
The flowering of spearmint lasts all summer but the collection of the leaves should be done in autumn or spring before and after flowering so that the leaves have as much essential oil as possible. The strongest nutrients contained in spearmint are iron, manganese, magnesium and vitamin A.
The most essential oil of the plant is contained in its leaves, with the main ingredient being menthol. Ideally, since the cultivation of mint is very easy and simple, the leaves should be collected and dried by ourselves, as in the trade they usually leave shoots between the dried leaves, thus reducing the effectiveness of the herb.
An additional feature that spearmint has in common is that it spreads quickly and easily, so it is best planted in pots so as not to drown other plants. Spearmint is perennial, so if you see it drying out in the fall, do not uproot it as it will shed new leaves in early spring!
Read about the healing properties of spearmint and the cosmetic uses of spearmint!
essential oils, greek herbs, herbs, herbs nutritional value, menthol