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Sunflower cosmetic uses

ηλιοτροπιο καλλυντικες χρησεις

Sunflower, beyond the high nutritional value and therapeutic properties that offers to the body, has many cosmetic applications, particularly with the use of the sunflower oil.

The high content of sunflower oil in vitamin E, makes it ideal for combating free radicals and protecting the skin from premature aging. It contributes significantly to the reduction of fine wrinkles, especially around the eyes and rejuvenates the cells.

The cosmetic use of sunflower oil is widespread and you will find it in many cosmetic formulations, such as shampoos, makeup, exfoliants, hair conditioners even sunscreens. The reason it is preferred, is that sunflower oil is a stable and durable base for creams and contains lecithin and many vitamins such as A, C, D & E. Prefer biological sunflower that is not refined.

The moisturizing effect of sunflower oil in combination with a soothing effect, makes it ideal for treating acne, eczema, inflammation and general skin irritations. It helps the skin maintain its natural hydration while significantly protects against UV rays.

The vitamins contained in sunflower oil in combination with the natural film formed on the skin, protects against dirt, and regenerates the cells, leaving no excess oil or clogged pores.

The use of sunflower oil is also suitable for the sensitive eye area and is a wonderful massage oil base, as it is light and highly moisturizing.

Beneficial for the hair too, sunflowers moisturizes, protects the skin and combats split ends. It can successfully be used as oil for split ends after shampooing, as a small quantity of it lubricates the hair. You can also use sunflower oil as a mask before shampooing. It will hydrate the skin and the hair and treats frizz. Alone or in combination with the appropriate essential oils, sunflower treats hair loss and dry skin.

acne, antiaging, dry skin, free radicals, frizz, hair loss, herb, herbs, hydrating herbs, sunflower, sunflower in cosmetics, sunflower oil, vitamin e

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