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Tag: aromatherapy

Herbs for stomach ache

Stomach upset is the result of many factors. It can be the daily stress that does not facilitate proper digestion and “hits” the stomach, poor diet, hurried and junk meals, even the body’s predisposition or intolerance to some food that we insist on eating because it simply satisfies our palate.

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Herbs for headaches and migraines

Headache and migraine, is an issue for many adults, even children nowadays. The increased tension and stress in everyday life, poor quality of sleep and nutrition, excessive contact with electronic devices, such as mobile, create tension and pressure psychologically and physically, often defused by headache or migraine.

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Ylang-ylang – Cananga Odorata

Ylang ylang is one of the most favorite herbs for their aroma. Especially useful in aromatherapy, faces melancholy and fights stress. The essential oil of ylang ylang is one of the essential oils most wanted commercially for cosmetic use, while the main crop takes place in Madagascar and the Comoros.

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Thyme – Thymus Vulgaris

Thyme is a herb favorite in Greece and the Mediterranean, one of the herbs that their pharmaceutical properties are valuable to the human body and its healthy functioning.

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