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Tag: herbs

Rosemary – Rosmarinus Officinalis

Rosemary is a herb antidepressant and highly antioxidant for our body, ideal for stimulating the nervous and lymphatic system. It detoxifies the vital organs and helps to improve the functioning of the circulatory system. It is thought to have strong anticancer activity, protecting the body from free radicals and from forming cancer cells.

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Kiwi best cosmetic uses!

This summer fruit, despite its beautiful appearance, is not a favorite fruit of many people due mainly to the seeds it contains, but its nutritional value makes it one of the best fruits for the care of our skin and hair!

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Indoor plants for clean air!

Plants and herbs are a source of life not only for their medicinal and nutritional value but also for their contribution to a healthy, fresh air environment! Indoor plants contribute greatly to improving our everyday life, while also enriching our space!

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error: Απαγορεύεται, η αναδημοσίευση, ολική ή μερική του περιεχομένου του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια του κατόχου του, βάση του Νόμου 2121/1993 και τους κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.