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Tag: herbs

Dittany at cosmetics

The cosmetic properties of the greek herb dittany, are not as significant as the beneficial properties that offers to the human body, to keep it healthy and robust. Of course, that doesn’t mean that dittany does not offer to sensitive skin, special care.

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Dittany – Οriganum Dictamnus

Dictamo, also called Dittany of Crete, is a rare herb, adored from ancient times, which grows mainly in Greece in xeric lands. In this herb are attributed many healing properties, so it is mainly considered medicinal.

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Linden ( Tillia) – cosmetic properties

Linden is one of the most beneficial herbs, mainly for strengthening and providing healthy hair, from root to tip! The use of linden for rinsing hair after shampooing, or as an active ingredient in shampoos and hair mask, provides gloss and shine.

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Herbs for sore throats

Having sore throat is a common phenomenon, even in times when the body is not suffering from a cold or flu. The factors that contribute to the appearance of either dry or productive persistent cough are many.

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Linden, the collection of the herb

Linden is one of the most widely used herbs, known mainly for its soothing properties. In fact the infusion we drink is not an herb but the flower of a tree. The flowers of the linden tree are light yellow, with dark green leaves in the shape of a heart. The tree can live for centuries.

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error: Απαγορεύεται, η αναδημοσίευση, ολική ή μερική του περιεχομένου του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια του κατόχου του, βάση του Νόμου 2121/1993 και τους κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.