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Tag: oregano

Top Winter Herbs to Cultivate for a Flourishing Garden

As winter season takes place, it doesn’t mean your gardening efforts have to come to a halt. In fact, winter can be an excellent time to cultivate herbs that thrive in colder temperatures. These hardy plants not only add a burst of flavor to your winter recipes but also contribute to a vibrant and aromatic garden. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best winter herbs to cultivate, ensuring a year-round green thumb experience.

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The best anti-aging herbs!

Anti-aging, or rather delaying aging, is something everyone wants. What we often overlook, of course, is that preventing aging, or even reversing some phenomena, does not start with a superficial approach. It is a matter of philosophy of life, diet, exercise. Of course herbs and spices contribute significantly in a variety of ways that we will mention below!

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8 herbs ideal for growing indoors

Herbs and spices beautify our gardens, flavor our cuisine and benefit our body in a variety of ways. During the summer months it is easy to keep an herb healthy on our balcony or in our garden without much effort, especially the Greek herbs which do not need constant care. In fact, fresh herbs and spices when used directly from the pot, have a much more intense taste, aroma and have retained much of their essential oil!

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Which herbs increase athletic performance!

Before we talk about the many beneficial herbs that improve athletic performance, an introduction is needed. It is important to know the chemistry of our own body, and the reasons why we often need supplements when we strain our body.

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