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Curry plant – Helichrysum Italicum

curry plant

After knowing the basic characteristics of curry plant, one of the most special herbs of the Greek countryside, it is important to know the healing properties it offers to the body.

Starting from the basic characteristics, curry plant can be consumed either as a decoction of its flowers, or as an oil for external use after distilling the essential oil and adding it to a base oil. Its most important properties are its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibiotic and antimicrobial action, which depending on the use, benefits each organ separately. It is important to note here that the traditional applications of this herb so far, are confirmed in scientific studies at the therapeutic level!

Respiratory system and colds: curry plant is particularly beneficial, treating as a natural antispasmodic and expectorant, bronchitis, persistent cough, asthma and sinusitis. At the same time it keeps the airway healthy from the larynx to the lungs, protecting it from infections! Of course, this action is also beneficial for colds, as it protects against infections and viruses, relieves and decongests the nose from a stuffy nose. The best application is in inhalations in an aromatherapy device.

Skin and musculoskeletal: Particularly beneficial for the skin, curry plant has been used since ancient times to heal wounds and regenerate the skin faster. It can be used in oil to treat burns, bruises, acne and acne scars, abrasions, infections, irritations and dermatitis. You can do massages for muscle aches and joint pains as the anti-inflammatory action reduces pain and inflammation from sports injuries, arthritis, rheumatism etc. It can also be used by athletes. Helichryssum is also ideal for fungal infections, as it is a powerful antifungal. Finally, you can use curry plant for protection against sunburn, regeneration from burns and protection against skin cancer.

Psychology: On a psychological level, it soothes anger and helps to restore mental balance. Supports the nervous system, while helping to treat insomnia and reduce stress levels in everyday life.

Digestive and urinary system: curry plant is a natural digestive stimulant and diuretic, resulting in aiding indigestion, fluid retention and stomachache. At the same time it protects the digestive system from infections and relieves the irritated digestive tract, treating inflammations. With its diuretic and antimicrobial action, it protects the urinary system from infections and kidney stones, treats cystitis, while detoxifying. The strong diuresis it causes, helps reduce hypertension, in weight loss and better digestion. Curry plant has a cholagogue effect, as a result of which it eliminates excess bile and reduces the acidity of the stomach. Helps treat and relieve the symptoms of colitis.

Cardiovascular system: the reduction of blood pressure with the consumption of this herb, contributes significantly to the protection of the heart and arteries, while promoting the smooth circulation of blood. The anticoagulant effect of curryplant is vital as it reduces the risk of heart attacks in people with high cholesterol. It liquefies the blood and dissolves blood clots, helping to protect the overall cardiovascular system and brain function.

Liver: liver stimulant and detoxifier, curry plant, cleanses the blood and stimulates liver function resulting in the effective detoxification of a very important organ. It is used for the elimination of both toxins and heavy metals that settle in the liver, contributing to its healthy function and strengthening.

Natural anti-cancer: the antioxidant flavonoids contained in curry plant, prevent the formation of cancer cells and cell degeneration. By maintaining cellular health and faster renewal, the production of new healthy cells is promoted, resulting in faster recovery from illness or injury, but also the healthy development of children.

Some additional actions are: As a natural anti-inflammatory as mentioned above, it treats painful hemorrhoids by reducing swelling and pain. With its strong healing and antimicrobial action, it cures herpes quickly, while the strengthening of the circulatory system in combination with its anti-inflammatory action, helps in the treatment of varicose veins. Traditionally it is used as a moth repellent successfully.

Curry plant essential oil does not seem to have any restrictions on its use as it has very mild side effects in rare cases. You should always try the oil on a small area of ​​the skin to see if there is an allergy to the plant. It is not a toxic or irritating herb, but as an anticoagulant it should not be consumed postoperatively or when you are already on medication.
The essential oil is not recommended for internal use but only for external use, while it is important to have good quality essential oil as it is a sensitive plant whose components are easily destroyed. You can use the essential oil in an oil base for massages, in an aromatherapy device for inhalations, in baths, flowers for decoction, or in the form of a dietary supplement.
Read more about curry plant in cosmetics and the nutritional value of curry plant!

anti-cancer herb, curry plant, herbs, herbs for asthma, herbs for detoxification, herbs for insomnia, herbs for prostate, herbs for stress, herbs for the digestive system, herbs for the liver

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error: Απαγορεύεται, η αναδημοσίευση, ολική ή μερική του περιεχομένου του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια του κατόχου του, βάση του Νόμου 2121/1993 και τους κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.