Honeysuckle ingredients and collection

Honeysuckle is a beautiful ornamental climbing plant, which you will see both in mountain areas and coastal depending on the species. It may not belong to the herbs, but it has many therapeutic and cosmetic applications. In the same family there are more than 180 species, while the majority are native to China.
Historically, honeysuckle is considered a healing herb from ancient times both in China and in ancient Greece mainly for detoxification. While it also has applications in folk medicine, particularly for teeth and gums.
Characteristic is the shape of the flowers, bell-shaped and always in pairs, white, yellow and orange, and in some varieties pink. The fragrance is particularly beautiful, while the nectar hidden in the flower, sweet. The trunk of the bush is woody and the leaves are oval, pointed and deep green. The berries are toxic.
It contains among other, organic acids, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, and essential oil.
Honeysuckle blooms during the summer season from May to August, and is the period that you can collect both the leaves and the closed flowers.
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