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Tag: green tea

The best anti-aging herbs!

Anti-aging, or rather delaying aging, is something everyone wants. What we often overlook, of course, is that preventing aging, or even reversing some phenomena, does not start with a superficial approach. It is a matter of philosophy of life, diet, exercise. Of course herbs and spices contribute significantly in a variety of ways that we will mention below!

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Herbal teas – the multiple benefits!

Herbs and spices are an excellent raw material for tasty drinks, teas or tisanes, especially when you’re not a fan of water. Herbal tea has been consumed by all peoples for thousands of years, and it was one of the first medicines used by man. In fact, it is also the mildest way to consume herbs for therapeutic purposes.

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Herbs against acne

There are many types of acne and factors that play an important role in its appearance and treatment. Herbs offer natural solutions without the side effects of medicines. Before referring to the herbs for acne, let’s see what types of acne we encounter and what the causes are:

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16 Herbs for blood pressure

Before talking about herbs for blood pressure and their important contribution to reducing it, it is important to say a few words about blood pressure and the factors that contribute to its appearance.

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Herbs for fresh breath!

A fresh breath depends on many factors, mainly dietary, while it is something that is often difficult to maintain because poor diet and smoking have the opposite effect. This is a phenomenon that is a problem for many people, as many times even the care of oral hygiene is not enough! Behind a bad breath, there are many problems, seemingly harmless, but they need control and treatment. Herbs are a great solution!

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