Evening primrose and its special healing properties
Evening primrose is an excellent medicinal plant although it is not among the herbs! It is an ideal therapeutic and protective agent for the female body, using mainly its oil.
Evening primrose is an excellent medicinal plant although it is not among the herbs! It is an ideal therapeutic and protective agent for the female body, using mainly its oil.
The moon is an important element from antiquity, based on which, the diferent seasons, sowing, harvest, successful fishing, collection of medicinal herbs and the preparation of medicines were calculated. The phases of the moon were important and its relationship to the tide had been observed since antiquity but was scientifically substantiated by Newton.
Mountain tea, in addition to its powerful healing properties, has some cosmetic properties that are particularly important for skin care. It is one of the distinct herbs of Greek nature, without side effects for our organism but with many and important benefits!
Almonds are rich in vitamins, proteins and fiber, which benefit and protect the body and therefore the skin.
Yarrow has limited cosmetic uses, but some of them are unique.
"Your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food."