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Tag: marjoram

The best anti-aging herbs!

Anti-aging, or rather delaying aging, is something everyone wants. What we often overlook, of course, is that preventing aging, or even reversing some phenomena, does not start with a superficial approach. It is a matter of philosophy of life, diet, exercise. Of course herbs and spices contribute significantly in a variety of ways that we will mention below!

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8 herbs ideal for growing indoors

Herbs and spices beautify our gardens, flavor our cuisine and benefit our body in a variety of ways. During the summer months it is easy to keep an herb healthy on our balcony or in our garden without much effort, especially the Greek herbs which do not need constant care. In fact, fresh herbs and spices when used directly from the pot, have a much more intense taste, aroma and have retained much of their essential oil!

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Marjoram – Origanum Majorana

Marjoram is a very beneficial herb, for the relaxation and stimulation it offers both physically and mentally. It has been considered since ancient times as a healing and cosmetic herb, with extensive use by women for the protection and nourishment it offered to the skin.

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Herbs against prostate

As we mentioned in other articles, herbal remedies offer plenty of beneficial effects against illnesses, prevention and overall health. Another protective action we find in herbs is prevention of prostate hyperplasia.

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9 Herbs Against Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety in everyday life is a situation that is now often a part of our everyday life. Stress is often confused with anxiety, but these are two different situations that in the long run, have the same effect on the body. Herbs happily give solutions and several times directly to the problem of chronic anxiety!

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"Your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food."
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