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Tag: superfoods

Spirulina Health Benefits

Spirulina, is a blue-green algae that is considered a superfood due to its rich nutritional profile and many health benefits. Adding spirulina to your diet, either as a powder or in supplements, can be a simple way to harness these health benefits.

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Everything about Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is one of the most talked about superfoods for its great nutritional value. It arises from the fresh sprouts of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) while it is a food rich in chlorophyll and more than 50 nutrients for our body. Some of the most important quantitative vitamins contained in wheatgrass are A, C, E, K, B12, amino acids, enzymes and proteins, calcium, magnesium and iron.

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Mulberry, collection & nutritional value

Mulberry is very useful tree for the shade it provides during the summer season, with sweet fruits like jam. The berries are used for many purposes, such as jelly, syrups, jams, pies, aromas and flavors in wines, beverages, for sweets such as cakes, sauces and special dishes.

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