Thyme at cosmetics

Thyme, is one the best Greek herbs, that beyond the many therapeutic properties and its uses in cooking, it has important cosmetic properties for healthy skin and hair.
The essential oil can be used safely diluted in massage oil for the treatment of cellulite. Apart from the fact that as a herb helps prevent fluid retention, the heating properties of the oil significantly help fight cellulite by causing hyperemia with massage on the desired areas.
Its use in acne-prone and oily skin is very beneficial and effective. Besides the fact that it helps regulate oiliness on the skin, the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of thyme help fight acne.
Thyme also contributes significantly to the prevention of skin aging and protects against oxidation and free radicals, and is one of the few herbs that stop hair loss and strengthen the scalp. Furthermore, the use of thyme in shampoo or the infusion of thyme to rinse after shampooing, helps prevent dandruff and cleanses naturally from lice.
Other also important cosmetic and therapeutic uses of thyme, are the relief, the protection and treatment that offers, in cases of skin infections, swelling, bruising and general skin conditions. Relief also offers after insect bites.
Special attention is needed for the use of the essential oil of thyme, because despite the beneficial properties, at high doses it will irritate the skin and the digestive system. The use during pregnancy is prohibitive, and also for people who suffer from hypertension.
acne, antiaging herbs, antioxidant herbs, dandruff, free radicals, hair loss, herbs for oily skin, lice, oily skin, skin aging, skin infections, thyme, thyme shampoo