Sweet scented geranium collection and uses
Sweet scented geranium is one of the favorite herbs found in many gardens and has many uses in cooking, aesthetics and of course for therapeutic applications.
Sweet scented geranium is one of the favorite herbs found in many gardens and has many uses in cooking, aesthetics and of course for therapeutic applications.
The wonderful oats are nowadays one of the most favorite breakfasts and are a base for many healthy snacks! Although oats deserve a special article about their use in cooking, we will limit our information to the cosmetic use of oats that have been loved so much! In fact, if we consider how important nutrition is for maintaining healthy skin and hair, then oats certainly contribute nutritionally as well!
One of the most famous herbs in Greece, flax, belongs to the family Linaceae and is native to warm European countries. We now find it all over the world and it is cultivated successfully all over Europe.
Horse chestnut is a tree, which is not used in cooking and despite not being widely known among the medicinal herbs, has many beneficial properties for the body. Many of the properties that we will mention are rare and particularly beneficial for the body.
Herbs and spices are an excellent raw material for tasty drinks, teas or tisanes, especially when you’re not a fan of water. Herbal tea has been consumed by all peoples for thousands of years, and it was one of the first medicines used by man. In fact, it is also the mildest way to consume herbs for therapeutic purposes.
"Your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food."