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Spearmint – Mentha Spicata

Spearmint, has similar healing properties to peppermint and other herbs in the same family, but differs in that it has fewer side effects and is less irritating. It stimulates the body and the mood, in addition to being a very effective natural aphrodisiac. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, healing, antiparasitic, astringent, warming, analgesic, sedative, tonic and hemostatic action, which is why it benefits our body on many levels.

Spearmint for cardiovascular diseases

The consumption of spearmint tea helps regulate cholesterol and protects against cardiovascular diseases. In general, the consumption of spearmint favors the proper functioning of the heart. Externally, massage with spearmint essential oil (always dissolved in oil base) for its warming properties, relieves muscle and nerve pain, rheumatic pain and cramps. The use of essential oil topically causes anesthesia in the area, making it ideal for bumps, sprains, bruises, and even bites because it combines its analgesic action with hemostatic and antiseptic.

Spearmint for headaches and toothaches

Spearmint leaves, both externally as a poultice and internally, offer relief from headaches, migraines, and toothaches. The action of spearmint is not limited there, because when combining the analgesic action with the healing one, it is offered to heal wounds, wounds in the oral cavity and treatment of gingivitis and bad breath.

Due to the menthol, spearmint infusions also relieve respiratory problems, sinusitis, and inflammation associated with the nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract. In addition, spearmint helps significantly in chronic or allergic asthma, tonsillitis, cough and generally improves breathing, freeing the respiratory system.

In aromatherapy, using primarily an aromatherapy device, it is considered to rejuvenate the spirit and combat mental fatigue and insomnia. On a psychological level, we use it to eliminate negative energy and increase self-confidence and positive energy.

In relation to the digestive system, spearmint is extremely beneficial. Relieves many unpleasant conditions such as heartburn, stomach cramps, stomach pain, nausea, bloating, indigestion, tendency to vomit but also after vomiting, where the stomach relaxes. People who suffer from frequent emotional stress can calm their stomach by consuming a spearmint infusion. It is considered one of the best and most effective digestives, while relieving the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. It is generally considered an ideal herb for various digestive disorders, stops diarrhea and protects against inflammation of the intestines. The diuretic action of spearmint protects against kidney stones.

Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of spearmint by women during pregnancy and also by young children.

Read about the cosmetic uses of spearmint and the nutritional value of spearmint!

analgesic herbs, anti-inflammatory herbs, antibacterial herbs, aphrodisiac herbs, diuretic herbs, healing herbs, hemostatic herbs, herbs, herbs for bad breath, herbs for cough, herbs for diarrhea, herbs for gastroesophageal reflux, herbs for gingivitis, herbs for headache, herbs for heart disease, herbs for heartburn, herbs for indigestion, herbs for insect bites, herbs for kidney stones, herbs for migraines, herbs for nausea, herbs for rheumatic diseases, herbs for rheumatism, herbs for sinusitis, herbs for sprains, herbs for toothache, spearmint, tonic herbs

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